Retaining America’s Lead in Next-Generation Battery Technology

The US is behind in lithium-ion battery leadership but can lead in next-generation technology

Executive Summary

According to the Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries National Blueprint 2021-2030, the United States has a global leadership position in battery technology. However, the US does not have a single company in the top 10 of Li-Ion battery manufacturers; Cuberg’s parent company, Northvolt, is the only Western company in the top 10. The impact has been severe to supply chain, jobs and national security.

The US, however, is well-positioned to win the next-generation technology race, but support is critical. To accomplish this goal, the US government needs to provide enabling scale investment versus mass manufacturing, similar to how Europe supported Northvolt when it started. Swift action is needed to support emerging cell technologies in the US or we will cede next-generation battery technology leadership to China.

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